Diploma in RELATIONAL SUPERVISION from a Soulful perspective

A supervision training for qualified psychotherapists, with experience, wishing to develop their supervisory skills integrating body, mind and spirit, as well as shedding light on what happens in the non-verbal field between supervisor and clients.

A supervision training that also can be creatively used for supervising professional leaders and employees in the public sector.

the perspective of Soul
is experienced as a sensation

From a poetic and experiential inside-out learning, you are invited to a Supervision Training with Soul.

This training runs as two distinct parts; an initial foundation training comprising six weekends running over ten month, smaller written assignments , and a reflective self-evaluation. After this, you can chose to continue on the advanced training part, leading to diploma. This part consists of six Supervision of Supervision in smaller groups, two reflective video-days, and certifying requirements.

Facilitator: Ameyo Barfred-Dixon Mpf UKCP

Next training Helsingborg begins, January 17th 2025.

To read about our perspective, see article here

Are you interested in some of our workshops, or in the diploma training leading to being a qualified relational supervisor?

Write to Ameyo to set up a meeting on Zoom


  • This part-time training is in two parts:

    A foundation and a diploma training.

    Part one, consists of six modules over ten months, from January 2025.

    This foundation training consists of six 2-days seminars with 4 intermittent training supervision in groups, where you will receive supervision of supervision with Ameyo. This means that before the second, or third, module you need to have found your first training supervisees.

    After each module you must write an assignment of 750 words. This is to anchor your insights and understanding of the weekend's theme.

    For the last module, you must have written your self-evaluation reflecting on your own learnings throughout the ten months, after which you will receive a documented proof of attendance.

    Part Two, leading to diploma, is for those who have completed part one and wish to deepen their skills. Part two gives the opportunity to receive a Diploma as a Relational Supervisor.

    This part consists of 6 group supervision of supervision, supervised by Ameyo, a written "case study" based on theoretical reflections and a final self-evaluation.

    In order to pass the training, there is a requirement of a maximum of 10% absence, throughout the whole of the training.

    The training accepts a maximum of 12 participants.

  • Different theoretical orientations are brought together within a transpersonal, relational, and integrative framework. We work from a theoretical, poetic, and experience-oriented (inside-out) perspective, in ways that encourage each student to integrate the skills they have already learned from their own practice, into their own ways of working.

    We work creatively and relationally, using visualisation, active imagination and other kinds of symbolic work such as role-play and drawing. A meditation practice throughout the training also opens for a soulful resonance, held in the timeless perspective from where the free flow of creativity can unfold.

    We hold a holistic perspective seeking integration rather than separation, based on the philosophy that the soul's perspective is ‘other than’ the limiting "I" perspective, which divides everything into black and white.

  • Our aim is to promote a high professional standard to the field of supervision by stimulating supervision with the depth and quality from a transpersonal perspective. Our focus lies within consciousness of the Heart; that is, our heart’s ability to sense, connect and transform.

  • Drawing upon our extensive experience within the field of psychotherapy and supervision, we create a lively, open, and challenging approach to learning, that invites the supervisor to use themselves in a transparent and authentic manner.

    The multi-layered relational framework is supported by our rich experience of psychotherapy and supervision with an Integrative and soulful approach, and an inside-out method allows every one involved to widen our field of perspective, whilst remaining open to our own values to form our core of understanding and use of skills.

  • The training includes, but is not limited to:

    • Meditation and Body Movement

    • Symbolic perspectives

    • Maintaining creativity and play in the supervisory relationship

    • Power and Shame

    • Challenges and Pitfalls

    • Transference and Counter-transference

    The training is open and curious towards the resonating field of relations. Using self-reflection, hands-on practice of supervision, as well as group-reflection on enacted supervisions. We invite a felt-sense of feeling into the relational field.

    • Inside-out learning

    • Hands on practice

    • Role play

    • Video recording

    • Shared learning

    We recognise that the supervision processes have several layers, which require a high degree of reflective consciousness.

    Consequently, the supervisory relationship is brought to the foreground and requires that the supervisor brings him or herself into play in a transparent and authentic manner.

  • Qualified Psychotherapists, with at least 2 years of full-time professional practice (min 15 clients per week), or minimum of 4 years part-time professional practice (min 6 clients per week).

    Approved educations from the Psykosynthesis Institute and Psykosynthesis Academy, or equivalent. An interview may take place in connection with the application process.


  • Overview

    • 6 x 2 weekends spread over 10 months; a total of 90 teaching hours

    • Written essays after each teaching module

    • 4 groups with supervision of supervision; 3-4 hours each

    • Written self-evaluation

    The 4 mandatory sessions, with supervision of your supervision practice will develop your professional and creative competence of supervision, broaden you skills and knowledge, clarify questions in relation to supervision as well as gaining insight into how this can be in service of soul. Times for these, will be arranged by each group with Ameyo.


    Day 1: The supervisory archetype. What do we look for in a Supervisor?

    By looking closely at our understandings and beliefs, we can begin to create a picture of supervision based on experience. Here we will clarify together what nourishes, supports, numbs, or stifles, the supervisory alliance.

    Day 2: Introduction to the soul-based perspective; from where in ourselves do we supervise?

    This module will help supervisors open themselves to the mystery created through relationships, exploration with parallel process etc.


    Supervision with field perspective

    This module introduces creative styles of supervision, including the field of resonance, as well as and parallel processes. This approach sets the supervisor free to work with implicit patterns in the supervision which reflects the therapist-client dyad. Here the focus is to tune into the field of resonance and open to a variety of creative approaches to supervision.


    Day 1: Shame as an intermediary force in the supervisory relation

    We explore power balances around supervisory roles to shed light on implicit presumptions, and to see how power can be used abusively or creatively. We will look at negative transference and the handling of conflicts, with the aim of finding the creative edge in the supervision

    Day 2: Challenges / Pitfalls in supervision

    We examine some of the difficulties that supervisors will encounter, such as deception, ignorance, and the anxiety around confrontation. We look at boundaries, personal authority, cross-cultural dynamics, work with culture -, gender - and racial differences.


    The transpersonal approach

    In these two days, we seek to open ourselves to challenges in a new perspective. A perspective of the soul that can give us a new sense of ground and a new horizon for the supervisory work.


    Group supervision

    Supervising groups is both exciting and developing but also challenging. We will look more closely at group dynamics, alliances and projections in the group. There will be an opportunity to practice supervision of a group; to get a feel for what it is like to meet a group based on the relational and soulful perspective we set to offer. How can I remain in my authority, and supervise in a soft, transparent, and clear way, that creates an open, fertile and rich environment for the group and the individuals in it to grow. The group is the sum of all individuals, including the group and everything that happens in the conscious and unconscious communication.



    Here we give the time and opportunity to go through the training, express frustration and celebrate what we have received. We take time to absorb and digest, and integrate by looking at the possible steps moving forward, and further into the certification part of the training.

  • The total fee for the Part one of the training, including 6 modules / 90 hours of teaching and 4 group supervisions, is: 35.000,00 Kroner.

    The training is registred in Denmark and therefore not VAT (MOMS) applicable.

    For registering, please send a deposit of 25% of the full fee.

    In case of cancellation before December 1, 2024 an administration fee of 1000 SEK is deducted from your registration fee. After January 1, the registration fee will not be refunded.

    If you wish to pay in instalments, talk to us.

  • The weekends will take place in Helsingborg



    Friday - Saturday

    17 – 18 January

    21 – 2 February

    11 – 12 April

    13 – 14 June

    22 – 23 August

    10 – 11 October


    10.00 -16.30 Friday’s

    10.00-16.00 Saturday’s

  • Reflect on and answer the following questions:

    How do you imagine you want to use this training?

    What or who in you wish to supervise?

    How do you see yourself in the role of supervisor?

    How do you meet the requirements for the education? Education, qualifications, and experience.

    Send your answers together with name, occupation, address, telephone number, e-mail address to:





  • Diving deeper into the crucible of the alchemical craft of psychotherapy.

    Moving towards your diploma, you will gain more insight into the subtle dimensions of multi-layered supervision and anchor your own psychotherapeutic work with clients through development of the inner supervisor. This anchoring will support you in passing on your experience to your supervisees.

    • In small groups you will deepen your skills as a Relational Supervisor.

    • Exploring, developing and consolidating your supervision practice.

    • Guidance in the final assignment and evaluation of your own, and the group’s development process.

    In order to certify, 40 hours of supervised supervision practice in total throughout the training is required, at the rate of 1 hour of supervision to 5 hours of practice.

  • • 6 Supervisions of Supervision in small groups with Ameyo and Johanna

    • 2 preparatory supervision-training days with video presentations

    • verbal self- and group-evaluation

    • written assignment of min 3000 words

    • written self-evaluation

    • written evaluation by an external censor and traners

    • final celebration for all

  • Location

    Supervision Training Days will take place at an accessible venue in Helsingborg


    Saturday January xx, 2026

    Saturday May xx, 2026


    10.00 - 17.00

  • The total fee for Part two is 18.500 Kroner.

    This includes two video days, six group supervisions, evaluation and dissertation, and a certificate.

    The training is registred in Denmark and therefore not VAT (MOMS) applicable.


This is a rich compassionate field of learning and growing, both open and challenging. Inspired by the London schools, the supervision training will live up to the standards as ruled by the UKCP and EAP.

You will receive a challenging, enriching and creative training, transforming your work as a psychotherapist and become a solid supervisor well equipped for all areas of life.

Testimonials from previous students:

“The supervision training days were scary as hell, but also gave the surprising experience of being able to lean in to and being held gently by the group”

“After years of practicing alone this training has given me a creative network for ongoing inspiration and growth, personally as well as professionally”

“It was the heart's feeling and ability to connect that flowed like a river through the group and the training, rather than method”

“The biggest gain for me has been the professional, spacious and loving community that carried us through the days. This has had a strong impact on me and my everyday life”