Silence in the Therapeutic Field


at times unpleasant or anxiety provoking
other times a deep soothing and relief

a powerful resonance that some therapists use consciously in the therapeutic room while others refrain from silence, perhaps because it touches their own sensations and emotions so powerfull

we tune in deeply…

explore, inquire, and share whatever arises in


this is a day of supervision, learning and nourishment for psychotherapists,

a one-day workshop for psychotherapists seeking professional inspiration and development, as well as meditative nourishment for Body, Mind, Soul

SILENCE and the music behind the words

we tune in to silence...

silence as tension or rest; as dense or liberating ; as a conscious tool; as absence or presence…

the many ways silence may touch the client as well as the therapist

we tune in deeply…

you are welcome to join

date to be announced
at 11.00 - 17.00 in Helsingborg

Price: 1.500 SEK
Facilitator: Ameyo Barfred-Dixon UKCP, Mpf

Det kommer att finnas kaffe, te och frukt. För den som vill värma lunch går det bra att göra det. Vill man köpa lunch finns ett par mindre butiker i närheten.

Ha gärna bekväma och lediga kläder.

should you cancel seven days before the course, 50% of the course fee is refunded, and less than three days before no refund is given.

Registration is done below.